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CeCe Caterpillar uses up a lot of energy to find and eat food. Along the way, she can’t help but compare herself to the many creatures she encounters. Realizing that some are rather fortunate in their size, abilities, and community, CeCe does her best not to feel so alone and different. With time, trust, and transformation CeCe learns to accept herself and those around her for their uniqueness, and finds joy in her simple life.


The Current is Only but a Moment

The Current is Only but a Moment provides a visual journal of presence and inner awareness that reminds us of the importance to regulate, shift and align our thoughts and actions with that of upward intention – enabling us to seize our power in the moment.


The Current is Only but a Moment provides a visual journal of presence and inner awareness that reminds us of the importance to regulate, shift and align our thoughts and actions with that of upward intention – enabling us to seize our power in the moment.


Rescuer Mindset book cover

This book offers techniques to develop or enhance a persistent positive mindset. Although geared towards Public Safety Professionals, Rescuer Mindset can be easily applied to any walk of life, employment, or situation as the concepts are universal and can be adopted to accomplish what we so desire. Co-authored by Michael Aloia and Brian Pasquale.


the Daily Cloak book cover

​This motivational book is a weekly inspirational roadmap to inner awareness, written for the time-conscious individual seeking small, yet effective doses of thought and spirit provoking inspiration at their own pace. This book contains modern metaphors of every day methods which focus inner spirit recognition.


Nurturing Healthy Change book cover

This book is designed to help us mentally and energetically move through change with greater awareness, ease, and grace. By reviewing where we are, who we are, our own insecurities and excitement around the change, we can make conscious decisions from confidence and knowing, rather than fear, on the best path forward in whatever change we face.


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